Bad credit? No problem.

We don’t decline merchant
accounts for bad credit

We don’t decline merchant accounts for bad credit

We do not decline accounts for bad credit! Are you looking for someone to give you a fair shake who understands we all make mistakes sometimes or that some things happen out of our control? You have come to the right place!

We understand that there is more to the merchant account approval decision than just your credit. We look at your business type, your average monthly volume, average ticket size, and many other factors to decide on an approval.

Even if you have bad credit – you can get a merchant account

We have been setting merchant accounts for people with bad credit for over a decade. Less than a handful of times in all that time, have we seen someone turned down for their credit alone. In fact, this year we changed our policy to not decline an account for reasons of bad credit.

Time to quit worrying and apply with us. We have one of the highest approval rates in the industry regardless of your credit. Bad credit doesn’t need to stop you from getting a merchant account.

Our track record for getting bad credit merchant accounts approved is excellent

It has been our experience that most people who come to us with bad credit are surprised at how easy it was to get approved.

For example: We had a merchant not long ago who had applied for a credit card processing bad credit merchant account. He had been turned down by seven different processors before he tried us. He applied with us and was auto approved instantly and able to process the next day.

Credit score below 500? A merchant account is not impossible.

We have approved merchants with credit scores below 500 for a bad credit merchant services credit card processing account.

It only takes 5 minutes to apply for a merchant account with bad credit. It is time to quit worrying about your credit score and give us a chance to show you what we can do. We can help you establish a credit card processing bad credit merchant account and get your business accepting credit cards! Over time your credit card processing bad credit merchant account can help you reestablish your credit as well.

Get Instant Approval

Lowest Rates Guaranteed



Call Us: 888-760-1700


Hi, we’re David and Jamie Standage. David is a registered agent of Ignite Payments, a First Data® Company. We are a family operated business striving to give you the personal service you expect.

Since 1997, we have been helping business owners accept credit cards, checks, and other forms of payment to help them grow and manage their business.

