Internet Merchant Accounts
Simplify your eCommerce transactions and phone order transactions with the Payeezy Gateway Payeezy Gateway and Merchant Account
1.99% & $.25 per authorization + $19.95 a month*

- Shopping Cart Compatible
- Virtual Terminal
- Hosted Checkout
- Recurring Billing
Shopping Cart Compatible
Virtual Terminal
Hosted Checkout
Recurring Billing
- Clover Security
- 24/7 Customer Service
- Web Service API
- Next Day Funding
Clover Security
24/7 Customer Service
Web Service API
Next Day Funding
Shopping Cart Compatible
The Payeezy gateway is compatible with nearly 100 shopping carts and software providers. The setup process is simple and easy. Usually all it involves is plugging in a few pieces of data into your shopping cart of software and away you go!
Web Service API
For those that need it we provide simple APIâs that allow you to remove the complexity of accepting credit cards on your ecommerce website.
Hosted Checkout
Donât want to process the transaction on your website? No problem. With Hosted Checkout we offer a payment page you can direct your customers to that Payeezy securely manages and then send them back to your site as soon as the transaction is approved.
Recurring Billing or Subscription Billing
Simple interface to setup recurring transactions on a daily, monthly, annual, etc. basis. Recurring and subscription payments can be processed in variable amounts.
Global Payments with Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC)*
International payment processing
Sell to international customers
Customers can pay in their own currency
Transactions funded to merchant in US dollars
*Service not included. Â Call for details and pricing
Sell to international customers
Customers can pay in their own currency
Transactions funded to merchant in US dollars
*Service not included. Â Call for details and pricing
Level 2 and Level 3 Commercial Card Processing
The Payeezy Gateway supports processing for Level II and Level III commercial cards. By entering the extra data fields merchants are able lower their overall processing costs.
Advanced Fraud Controls
Create negative or positive filters based upon:
- Credit Card Number (that is not tokenized)
- Email Address
- Domain
- IP Address
- Country
- Reference number
- Billing address
Additional Features
Encryption & Tokenization with Clover Security optional
Multi-use Tokens optional
Filters for fraud, velocity controls, CVV, AVS
Soft descriptors
Process in up to 140 different currencies (Call for pricing)
3D Secure
Gift card processing
POS or Card Swipe ability
All major credit cards accepted
Checks & Paypal optional. Call for details
Apple Pay & Android Pay
Scalability up to enterprise merchants
Advanced reporting
Customizable receipts
Multi-use Tokens optional
Filters for fraud, velocity controls, CVV, AVS
Soft descriptors
Process in up to 140 different currencies (Call for pricing)
3D Secure
Gift card processing
POS or Card Swipe ability
All major credit cards accepted
Checks & Paypal optional. Call for details
Apple Pay & Android Pay
Scalability up to enterprise merchants
Advanced reporting
Customizable receipts